We are currently working on restocking our fabrics. We will not be accepting orders on the website at the moment. To know what's available, get in touch with us on our Instagram/ WhatsApp.

Our Story

Hey there!

We are Priyanshi and Priyanka, a sister duo working towards taking one conscious step at a time. The K cult was born in a classroom when Priyanshi was pursuing her entrepreneurship degree. Priyanka who has 4+ years experience in the field of waste management , came on board as a circular economy and sustainability enthusiast. Today, we both work from two different cities with a vision of making The K cult a 100% sustainable and conscious brand. 

If you end up buying something from us, we assure you that it was made with utmost love, care and dedication. And if you don't we will still hope that you had a good time knowing us and our work.


Priyanka + Priyanshi


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